Published 2012-11-01, originally published at old blog

This is the first blog post that’s part of my new domain, Here I’ll continue the writing I did on web technologies, such as CSS, JavaScript, and HTML. I also hope to write about Semantic Web (SW), but as I’m now finished with my master thesis, and my work doesn’t include any SW-related technologies, there may not be that much.

Yeah, that’s an update for ya; I’ve completed my master degree. My master thesis, A JavaScript API for accessing Semantic Web (pdf), mounted into about 100 pages, and I was awarded with a M.Sc.. Not to bad, if I may say so myself.

Here’s the abstract for the thesis, in case you’re interested.

The thesis describes and discusses the development of the framework Graphite, an implementation of a JS API for accessing SW. It outlines the necessary background in terms of technology, standards and tools, and how this becomes a part of the framework. SDPs are a central tool to help its design, and emphasis is put on splitting the functionality into separate modules that can be reused by other works within JS. I conclude that modularization is a necessary feature to support in works that try to take on SW, as it requires a lot of components that need to collaborate in a multitude of ways. As such, the prospect of a singular framework being the de facto tool for JS developers wanting to access SW seems dim. A better approach is to create modules that can be reused by several frameworks, the result being that developers may pick and choose from a variety of approaches.

As mentioned, I hope I’ll be able to write about SW and contribute to the community, but we’ll see how it goes. If there’s something I’ve found out after graduating, it’s that there are plenty of things to do out there apart from being a student. And as I’m still not completely out of my involvement with Cybernetisk Selskab, there are even more stuff to do.

But this blog is a step in trying to focus more on writing about and developing with web technologies. In fact, two of the works done as part of setting up I can has web, namely the theme and the splash-page, is available on github. The former is a WordPress theme, but is also used to describe the CSS for the splash-page. The latter is a simple PHP-file that makes use of SimplePie, a simple library for processing RSS-feeds. There are probably updates to come, as I’m a perfectionist, and am still not quite happy with the layout of the site.

The WordPress theme is based on a design my girlfriend made (she’s the best!), a simple layout for a desktop screen. I’ve developed it a bit further, making use of RWD, and trying to making it flexible enough to be used for other purposes than a blog (as proven by the splash-page; I’m also considering doing it to the thesis page).

As you’ve probably surmised, this blog is set up with WordPress. I’ve found the system to be satisfactory, although I’m not certain how it will fare in the long run. Guess we’ll see.

So there you have it. Interesting in reading more of my writing, maybe even learn some new stuff on web technologies? Be sure to subscribe to my RSS feed or follow my twitter account.

Written by Arne Hassel