Motivasjon, hvor er du?

Published 22. May 2011 (Original blog)

I dag er en sånn dag hvor jeg ikke føler for å gjøre noe, mao. perfekt grobunn for å skrive et innlegg i bloggen man ikke klarer å holde vedlike ^\_^ Og jeg følger tankerekken til Thomas og skriver litt om alt og ingenting som fyker rundt i tankene mine for tiden.

Another update to the essay as part of my master thesis

Published 25. April 2011 (Original blog)

Well, don’t you know, I’m still a lazy ass when it comes to regularly updating this blog =/ The workload didn’t excactly ease when I came home from Thailand, so that’s the way it is.

Thought I should post a minor update concerning the essay I’m writing on as part of my master thesis though, you can find it here.

Hope you’re all good ^\_^

Semantic Web and JavaScript

Published 06. March 2011 (Original blog)

I’ve started writing on my essay, it’s available here. I’ll update it when suitable, and updates on major revisions will be posted on this blog.

I’m sorry that I’ve been a lazy ass regarding postings on this blog, but I was vacating in Thailand for three weeks. As you may imagine, coming home after three weeks ment a whole lot of catching up. But now I’m home, all is good, and I’ll try posting more regularly ^\_^

News Visualizer

Published 16. January 2011 (Original blog)

I’ve written about my master thesis in the previous post, and I’ve been thinking a lot of how to acquire the required skill-set to understand the topic in a good manner. I’ve undergone courses at IFI 3 years  now, so I do have some theoretical understanding of themes that are often taught in computer studies, such as algorithms, data structures, computer architecture, and discrete mathematics amongst others. I believe that undertaking the courses INF3580, INF5120 and INF5100 (as well as special curriculum) will give me another layer of theoretical foundation that is required for this thesis.

But there is a field that the University of Oslo have no teaching to offer, and that is JavaScript (hereby shortened JS). To handle this, I must teach myself what is needed to know. I do already have some experience with JS, through work and a personal interest in the field that have stayed with me for quite some time. But I feel that the level of insight the thesis requires me to gain better knowledge of the matter, and have decided to develop a JS-based application.

2011 er i gang

Published 09. January 2011 (Original blog)

Da har det gått vel en uke av 2011, og livet går sin vante gang. Uka har for det meste gått til å være forkjølet, noe som har gått ut over det meste, deriblant jobb. Å være forkjølet er noe skikkelig herk, med hodepine, kaldsvette, snufsende nese og generell lite til null energi til å gjøre noe fornuftig.