

graphitejs was a framework that I built as part of my master thesis A JavaScript API for accessing Semantic Web. It sports the capabilities of storing and querying data stored as RDF in a triple store that runs on a website, and also offers a couple of utility functions when working with the data. Unfortunately it’s very slow…

I would love to work more on a project that intersects JavaScript and Semantic Web, maybe even improve on this framework, but I don’t see how I could spare the time needed to undertake such an endeavor.


Node Solid Server

Node Solid Server is the most up-to-date JavaScript implementation of the Solid spec. I worked on this project in my first six months of work at inrupt.


Solid Data Browser

Solid data browser is the default web application that allows you to interact with your Solid pod through your web browser.




chatty is a simple chat-client based on Socket.IO that I built as part of a presentation on Node.js and Socket.IO.

Presented: 18. February 2014,Presentation,Repository

Node.js - JavaScript utenfor nettleseren

“Node.js - JavaScript utenfor nettleseren” is a presentation in Norwegian that serves as an introduction to Node.js. It was held at The Gathering 2013, the biggest computer party in Norway, held in Lillehammer during Easter.

Presented: 28. March 2013,Presentation,Repository

Blog posts

Hello world!

Published 27. December 2015

This is the first entry in my attempt at revitalizing I’ve spent some time this christmas holiday to refurnish the website, rewriting the code, merging two blogs into one, and changing the design a bit.